Delays delays until after the holidays
The latest update is that, unfortunately, we won’t have a supply of the Popper coffee roaster until after the holidays. We tried to get it here. But the priority in manufacturing and shipping favors big appliance brands. A small project is put last.
We are also looking on fan motor upgrade kits, which can bring a Popper back to life from the verge and/or extend its useful life. More details on that to come…
Hello! Is this website the place where I’ll be able to buy a popper roaster when they’re back in stock? If so, do you have a newsletter or email I can be signed up for to be notified when they’re back in stock? Thank you!
Hi Hanna – We will definitely post the announcement here. I can try to email you when they are set to arrive
Is there anny update on availability?
Please let me know when it becomes available again. Thanks!
It is available now! Please check out the new clearance special and read the description. Some important info there on the sale price etc.
The fan on my popper just bogged down and needs to be replaced. Is there any way I could buy a replacement d.c. fan from you so instead of having to purchase another popper?
I have tested and approved a new motor, but trying to get the spares produced in a small quantity has been really hard … tried for a long time to find Off the Shelf motor since it is a very very common motor size for a DC hobby motor. But this is a 120v DC fan motor, so that has been the big issue. We will have spares, and it isn’t hard to swap it out. New ones will have upgraded higher density carbons too.